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Satellites, supertelescopes in future Italian astrophysics

Satellites, supertelescopes in future Italian astrophysics

A galaxy of projects for the 25th anniversary of INAF

ROME, 23 January 2025, 18:13

ANSA English Desk



Satellites and supertelescopes are in the future of Italian astrophysics, officials said on the 25th anniversary of the foundation of the Italian Astrophysics Institute (INAF) in Naples Thursday.
    Citing all-Italian satellites to study the universe, participation in the new supertelescopes that are being built and in the future large space telescope destined to explore new worlds, and participation in the exploration of the Moon and Mars, they said the National Institute for Astrophysics' plans are "truly ambitious".
    "INAF is the Italian research body for the study of the Universe, it is involved in the exploration of the cosmos at all wavelengths and with all celestial messengers, from our Solar System, through time and space, up to the origins of the universe", said the president of INAF Roberto Ragazzoni at the event organized at the Capodimonte observatory.
    "We are in Naples - he added - not only to celebrate the past, but above all to discuss scenarios for the next 25 years: a meeting projected into the future".
    "We provide research with a contribution that the international community recognizes as being of high quality.
    "We use prestigious observation infrastructures on the ground and in space and advanced computing methodologies and infrastructures.
    "We develop cutting-edge technologies that are functional to our research and that often find application in other sectors of civil society", noted the scientific director of INAF Isabella Pagano.
    INAF intends to continue working on major international projects by being at the forefront of hem, the officials said.
    If extrasolar planets, gravitational waves and the new very powerful telescopes are among the flagship projects, the instruments used to study stars and planets, such as supercomputers and quantum technologies, are also cutting-edge, they stressed.


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