Patent requests filed by Italian
applicants were down 4.5% in 2024 compared to the previous year
although Italy ranked fifth in Europe and 11th in the world,
according to a new study drafted by the European Patent Office
(EPO) published by financial daily Sole24Ore on Tuesday.
"After a couple of years of great growth in the number of patent
requests in Italy, above the European average, a minor slowdown
has been registered, a reduction that nevertheless confirms the
country as fifth in Europe and 11th in the world", Roberta
Romano Götsch, Chief Sustainability Officer at EPO, told ANSA.
Key sectors were transport and handling, or technologies for the
manipulation of products, goods and packaging, as well as
technologies connected to engines, pumps and turbines, according
to the report.
The leading regions in terms of innovation were Lombardy,
Emilia-Romagna and Veneto, followed by Tuscany and Lazio, it
Overall, 4,853 patent applications were filed in Italy in 2024,
down 4.5% from 2023, compared to the 199,264 patent applications
on a global level presented to EPO, down 0.1% compared to the
previous year.
At a company level, Coesia, Ferrari and Iveco Group ranked at
the top with, respectively, 167, 136 and 55 requests, followed
by Leonardo and Pirelli, the report said.