Some 3.1 billion cups of coffee are
drunk all over the world every day, Italy's Consorzio Promozione
Caffè said on International Coffee Day on Tuesday.
The Consortium underlined that Italy is the second biggest
exporter of roasted coffee in the world (2.25 billion euros in
2023, up 6.8%).
"As an excellence of Made in Italy, coffee - commented Michele
Monzini, president of Consorzio Promozione Caffè - is the symbol
that best tells the sense of Italianness, our ability to open up
to the world and interpret it, without forgetting our essence
and our tradition.
"On the occasion of International Coffee Day we cannot help but
celebrate the global vocation of this drink, its ability to
adapt to the most diverse tastes, which interpret the traditions
of the places, and to the most particular combinations, always
remaining the protagonist of a moment of conviviality and
"Coffee is perhaps the drink that best interprets our diversity in the world, enhancing it and uniting it in a ritual that makes us feel closer." International Coffee Day was inaugurated in 2015.