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El Salvador, 50 young scholarship holders of the Semillas project awarded

El Salvador, 50 young scholarship holders of the Semillas project awarded

Corsi professionalizzati finanziati dalla Cooperazione italiana

22 January 2025, 18:11

ANSA English Desk



El Salvador's capital, San Salvador, hosted the award ceremony for the young beneficiaries of the 124 scholarships for vocational courses provided by the 'Government Strategy for the Prevention of Irregular Migration through the Creation of Opportunities for Territorial and People Development', known as the Semilla project.
    Semilla is a three-year action plan financed to the tune of EUR 2.5 million by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS) and implemented by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, through the Directorate for Human Mobility and Attention to Migrants, the Ministry of the Environment and the National Council of Micro and Small Enterprises (Conamype) of the Central American country.
    The event - held at the end of the first year of studies at the Itca-Fepade technical institutes - was attended by more than fifty young people from the departments of La Libertad and La Paz, who, thanks to the funding, were able to attend higher education courses in technical subjects such as mechanics, chemistry, global logistics, gastronomy and software development. Six male and female students distinguished themselves for their commitment and good results and received a diploma of recognition from the Deputy Minister of Diaspora and Human Mobility, Cindy Mariella Portal, the Ambassador of Italy to El Salvador, Paolo Emanuele Rozo Sordini, and the Rector of Itca-Fepade, Carlos Arriola.
    The Semillas aims to generate socio-economic inclusion through the training of young people throughout the country, in order to create training and employment opportunities, while also contributing to the prevention of irregular migration. "El Salvador and Italy have a shared vision regarding the capacities and excellence that each country can develop through the talents that each of us possesses. It is the duty of states to foster the possibility for every member of society, starting with the new generations, to express their talents," said Ambassador Rozo. "This ambitious project not only guarantees access to education through the payment of academic fees, but also includes other components, such as six-monthly incentives for the cost of transport, annual coverage for the purchase of tools and materials, cohabitation seminars and psycho-emotional assistance for integral development," explained Deputy Minister Portal.
    "It is important to emphasise that these young people come from departments where there is a need for capable professionals, people committed to their community, so we hope that the young people can become leaders in their community, transforming the areas in which they live," added Rector Arriola.
    The event was also attended by the Director of the AICS Regional Office of San Salvador, Paolo Gallizioli, the Director of the Technical Secretariat for External Financing (Setefe), Oscar Figueroa, and the Director of Human Mobility and Migrant Assistance, Rosa Girón.


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