'Tightening industrial and cultural ties between Italy and Silesia', one of Poland's most economically strategic regions, was the aim of the visit made to this voivodship yesterday by the Italian ambassador to Warsaw, Luca Franchetti Pardo, the director of Ice, Roberto Cafiero, and Matteo Ogliari, director of the Italian Cultural Institute in Krakow. The delegation met the mayor of the metropolitan city of Katowice, several mayors of neighbouring cities and was received by the president of the Silesian region, the president of the special economic zone and the rector of Silesian University. Ambassador Franchetti Pardo confirmed the commitment of Sistema Italia to support the economic and business presence in the area through an integrated approach involving institutions, the business world, and the academic world. A further element of common interest that emerged during the meetings was that of logistics, in which Katowice is configured as a crucial crossroads in east-west and north-south connections, including the European Adriatic-Baltic corridor, which connects the Silesian capital to the ports of Trieste and Venice.