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EU authorizes use of UV-treated larvae meal

EU authorizes use of UV-treated larvae meal

Italy will be watchful says Gemmato

ROME, 24 January 2025, 14:01

ANSA English Desk



The range of options with which it is possible to consume yellow mealworm on European tables is growing.
    The European Commission has given the green light to market the flour of whole mealworm larvae of Tenebrio molitor (also known as yellow mealworms) treated with UV rays, including it a among the EU's 'new foods', novel foods, that is, those foods or production techniques that were not consumed "in a significant way" before May 1997.
    Yellow mealworm larvae had already received the green light from Brussels to be sold in 'dried' and in 'frozen and powdered' form.
    Now the EU has also given its approval for the use of larvae flour treated with ultraviolet rays, then transformed into bread, rolls, cakes, pasta products, processed potato products, cheese and dairy products and fruit and vegetable compotes.
    The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) considers these "safe" but Health Undersecretary Marcello Gemmato has said Italy will monitor so that "the principle of transparency and the right of citizens to choose with full awareness what they consume through labels and detailed information" is respected.
    For the next five years only the French company Nutri'Earth, a leader in industrial property protection, will be able to market the new food, unless another company obtains authorization or consent from Nutri'Earth itself.
    The led to an outcry from MEPs Alexander Bernhuber of the EPP and Laurence Trochu of the ECR, who last week tried to oppose the authorization in the European Parliament by presenting an objection - supported by, among others, League MEP Silvia Sardone and Paolo Inselvini of the Brothers of Italy (FdI) who called it "an insult to European farmers" but to no avail.
    The objection was then rejected by the Environment Committee (ENVI) by a handful of votes.
    Without imposing them on European consumers' tables, since 2021 Brussels has authorized the entry of four insects on the single market as novel foods, considering them an "alternative source of protein".
    Along with the yellow larva, the short EU list also includes 'frozen, dried and powdered' Migratory Locust and 'frozen, dried and powdered' and 'partially defatted' House Cricket (technical name: Acheta domesticus).
    The fourth and last insect authorized in 2023 by Brussels was Alphitobius diaperionus, or the lesser mealworm.
    The market for new foods is still underdeveloped but could soon include controversial meat grown in a laboratory: a request by the French start-up Gourmey to authorize the sale of foie gras grown in test tubes has been on the table at the European Commission since the summer.
    #IMCAP Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them


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