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New CAP reform at top of Polish EU Presidency's priorities

New CAP reform at top of Polish EU Presidency's priorities

Focus also on strengthening the role of farmers in supply chain

ROME, 24 January 2025, 14:12

ANSA English Desk



Discussions on the new post-2027 Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) have begun.
    The start of Poland's rotating presidency of the EU - from January 1 to June 30 - also marks the beginning of the debate between institutions on the next multiannual financial framework (2028-2034), of which the future CAP will be a central part and is currently worth a third of the community budget.
    The topic is moving to the top of the agenda of Warsaw's six-month presidency, its second since Poland became part of the EU.
    The work of the EU Agriculture Council led by Poland will focus on the preparation of the future Common Agricultural Policy, while waiting for the European Commission to put forward the legislative proposal by the end of the summer. The presidency website says the debate will start from the political debate that Warsaw will promote on the new "Vision for Agriculture and Food", which the new Commissioner for Agriculture Christophe Hansen will present at the end of February.
    A discussion that Warsaw intends to develop in view of the future enlargement of the EU.
    "We will address the challenges that the future enlargement of the EU" with the entry of important agricultural markets such as Kiev "will bring to the sector", it says.
    The promise is to shape a "strong common agricultural policy, which supports farmers and the development of rural areas": a CAP that encourages, "rather than forces, farmers to act to protect the environment and show the benefits of combating and preventing the effects of climate change, such as floods and droughts".
    The second major agricultural priority of the next six months will be to strengthen the position of farmers in the food chain.
    "Europe must ensure the strengthening of the position of farmers in value chains and the stability of their income", urges Warsaw, according to which the EU's actions "must take into account vulnerable agricultural sectors and ensure that non-EU producers respect European standards of quality, safety and food sustainability".
    The new presidency will be tasked with advancing work on a number of pending legislative texts, from animal welfare to new genomic techniques.
    #IMCAP Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them


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