The European Commission will propose
"a package of specific measures for the wine sector that will
provide an immediate response without waiting for the CAP
reform," Agriculture Commissioner Christophe Hansen announced
during a hearing at the Agriculture Committee (Agri) of the
European Parliament.
Hansen expressed confidence in being able to present a proposal
very "soon, possibly as early as March."
Addressing MEPs, he emphasized the importance of "quickly
agreeing on the European Parliament's position, allowing the
co-legislative process to proceed without delays."
The support policy measures have been promised to follow up on
the recommendations of the EU High-Level Group on wine.
This group met from September to December last year, formulating
a set of policy recommendations for the European Commission in
three main areas: aligning wine production with demand,
increasing resilience to market and climate challenges, and
adapting to trends to seize new market opportunities. The
recommendations were handed over to Hansen, who pledged to work
on "preparing a timeline for their possible implementation."
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