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First Italian Film Festival kicks off in Lebanon

First Italian Film Festival kicks off in Lebanon

The event will open with a screening of Vermiglio

ROMA, 20 January 2025, 15:03

ANSA English Desk



After months of war and violence and more than two years of institutional crisis, Lebanon is turning the spotlight back on its cultural renaissance with the first edition of the Italian Film Festival, to be held from 24 January to 2 February.
    Organised by the Italian Embassy in Lebanon and the Italian Cultural Institute, in collaboration with the Metropolis Art Cinema, the festival promises to bring the excellence of contemporary Italian cinema to a country historically attracted to Italian culture.
    The event will open with the screening of 'Vermiglio', a film by Maura Delpero nominated for an Oscar and premiered throughout the Middle East region. The closure of the festival will be equally evocative, with a film-concert of 'È Piccerella', considered a masterpiece of Italian silent cinema, enlivened by an original soundtrack that will be performed live.
    As the Italian Embassy in Beirut reports, the Italian Film Festival is not just an initiative to screen films, but aims to create a cultural link between Italy and Lebanon.
    With a programme that includes titles such as 'Nonostante', 'Sulla terra leggero' and 'La vita accanto', the festival offers an overview of Italian stories and landscapes.
    The event takes place in the Metropolis Art Cinema, a symbol of cultural rebirth, recently reopened with the support of the Italian Embassy. The reopening received support from leading figures in world cinema such as Cate Blanchett and Nadine Labaki.


Not to be missed


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