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First Italy-Gujarat Economic Forum in Ahmedabad

First Italy-Gujarat Economic Forum in Ahmedabad

Organised by the Chamber of Commerce in India with the Consulate

23 January 2025, 19:57

ANSA English Desk



The Consul General of Italy in Mumbai, Walter Ferrara, met in Ahmedabad Bhupendra Patel, the Chief Minister of Gujarat, the state of which the city is the capital.
    The meeting was held on the sidelines of the Italy&India Business Meet, organised by the Italian Chamber of Commerce in India, Iicci, with the support of the Consulate of Italy in Mumbai.
    During the meeting, possible new collaborations were discussed in sectors in which Gujarat boasts important production facilities, such as oil, textiles, pharmaceuticals, automotive, as well as the ceramics sector, in which several Italian companies have already been operating for years. On the occasion, the Consul stressed how "the excellence of 'Made in Italy' can find its natural complement in the 'Make in India' programme, developing important collaborations, also in the framework of the joint action plan signed in November between Prime Ministers Meloni and Modi, which identifies key sectors for joint activities in the areas of technological cooperation and innovation, defence and security, infrastructure and mobility".
    The economic forum was attended by more than 50 companies from different sectors and eminent leaders from the business community.
    The event was opened by a greeting from Sandip Sagale, Commissioner for Industry of the Government of Gujarat, who highlighted the attention with which India looks at new industrial collaborations with Italy, including in the renewable energy sector, which presents itself as fertile ground for cooperation. The day's events included a round table discussion attended by executives from some of the Italian companies that already have plants in Gujarat: Antares Vision India, Lamberti India, Panariagroup Industrie Ceramiche and System Ceramics.


Not to be missed


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