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University initiative between Italy and Kenya closed in Nairobi

University initiative between Italy and Kenya closed in Nairobi

Ambassador Natali at the International Education Day

24 January 2025, 15:37

ANSA English Desk



Coinciding with International Education Day, Kenyatta University in Nairobi celebrated, in the presence of the Italian ambassador to Kenya, Roberto Natali, the conclusion of the 'Cooperating in Human Development' initiative, implemented by the University of Pavia in collaboration with Cisp, Kenyatta university, Tangaza university college, Cooperation and Development network and World Friends.
    The initiative has a total value of over 1 million euro, 750 thousand of which were financed by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS), and was aimed at Kenyan civil servants, development workers and university students with research, training and enhancement activities of the master's degree course in Economics of Cooperation and Human Development (Mecohd), launched in 2013 and now in its eleventh edition.
    The Mecohd master's programme, the beating heart of the initiative, has trained 175 students, with 53 scholarships funded by AICS to support disadvantaged students and civil servants. The research activities, the second 'soul' of the initiative, instead focused on health care, the socioeconomic impacts of Covid-19 and the results of the Kenya-Italy debt conversion programme.


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