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ANM must stop painting reforms as apocalypse - Meloni

ANM must stop painting reforms as apocalypse - Meloni

Magistrates' union criticizes no ifs, not buts, says premier

JEDDAH, 25 January 2025, 17:09

ANSA English Desk



Premier Giorgia Meloni on Saturday criticized magistrates union ANM after its protest against the government's reform of the judiciary, saying it treated any reform involving justice like the end of the world.
    "Protests are always legitimate but I'm sorry about the attitude of the ANM, which sees every justice reform as an Apocalypse, the end of the world that must always be criticized, no ifs or buts," Meloni said before boarding the Italian Navy's Amerigo Vespucci training ship in Jeddah.
    "Article 49 of the Constitution says that citizens have the right to join political parties to participate in the democratic determination of national politics.
    "This means that citizens organize themselves into political parties, vote, decide what the political decisions should be.
    "We are doing something perfectly compatible with the Constitution, which does not say that justice cannot be reformed".
    Deputy Premier and Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani was critical too.
    "I am sorry that servants of the State wearing magistrates robes got up and left with the Constitution during the inauguration of the judicial year," Tajani said in Milan.
    "The magistrates should have read the Constitution too".
    (see related).


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