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Singh's employers arrested on gangmastering charges

Singh's employers arrested on gangmastering charges

Off-the-books farm labourer bled to death after being abandoned

ROME, 23 January 2025, 17:20

ANSA English Desk



Carabinieri police on Thursday arrested Renzo Lovato and served an arrest warrant in prison on his son Antonello, Satnam Singh's employers, on gangmastering charges issued by State attorneys in the Lazio city of Latina.
    The off-the-books 31-year-old farm labourer bled out last June after being dumped outside his hut with an arm severed by wrapping machinery placed beside him on a fruit picking box at Latina south of Rome last year.
    Antonello Lovato was arrested last July on suspicion of causing Singh's manslaughter death after he died of a massive haemorrhage which investigators believe would in all likelihood have been saved if he had been promptly assisted.
    The father and son, the legal representatives of the firm that employed Singh off the books, face charges of gangmastering, aggravated exploitation on the job and of employing and exploiting foreigners without a residence permit by taking advantage of their state of need.
    The arrest warrants were served following an investigation that was opened on June 17, on the day of the fatal accident.
    The other off-the-books workers employed by the pair at the time of the incident, who provided key evidence, were granted special residence permits at the request of Carabinieri police in Latina.
    The Lovatos are in particular accused of employing over three irregular workers between August 2022 and June 2024, allegedly exposing them to situations of grave danger and paying them meagre salaries, without granting them an adequate number of days off.
    Authorities have also placed their farm under judicial administration.


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