Drinking too much water can kill you,
Farm Minister Francesco Lollobrigida said when discussing new EU
health warnings on wine.
"The abuse of water can lead to death," said Lollobrigida, who
is also Premier Giorgia Meloni's brother-in-law, at the estates
general on wine in Italy Monday.
Undeterred by mockery from the political opposition and Internet
trolls, 'Lollo' reiterated his belief Tuesday saying "Look here,
a nice glass of still water, excellent, to pair with anything
because obviously it is a healthy food but like all foods, if
consumed in excessive quantities they can cause damage. I'm not
saying this, science says so".
Lollobrigida has made a string of gaffes since taking office in
October 2022 including suggesting that wars could be avoided by
having a nice banquet, that poor people often eat better than
their better-off peers, and that Europeans were being subjected
to ethnic replacement.
He also came under fire for stopping a high-speed train outside
its scheduled stops so he could make it to a government event in